Monday, January 23, 2023

Pie Charts Pada Programming-R


Pie Charts merupakan tampilan grafis melingkar dari data.  Fungsi pie() untuk menggambar diagram lingkaran:

Contoh :

# Create a vector of pies
x <- c(10,20,30,40)

# Display the pie chart

# Create a vector of pies
x <- c(10,20,30,40)

# Display the pie chart and start the first pie at 90 degrees
pie(x, init.angle = 90)

# Create a vector of pies
x <- c(10,20,30,40)

# Create a vector of labels
mylabel <- c("Apples""Bananas""Cherries""Dates")

# Display the pie chart with labels
pie(x, label = mylabel, main = "Fruits")

# Create a vector of colors
colors <- c("blue""yellow""green""black")

# Display the pie chart with colors
pie(x, label = mylabel, main = "Fruits", col = colors)

# Create a vector of labels
mylabel <- c("Apples""Bananas""Cherries""Dates")

# Create a vector of colors
colors <- c("blue""yellow""green""black")

# Display the pie chart with colors
pie(x, label = mylabel, main = "Pie Chart", col = colors)

# Display the explanation box
legend("bottomright", mylabel, fill = colors)

posisi :


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