1. Write File Binary
Format : writeBin(object,con)
keterangan :
- con : objek koneksi yang digunakan untuk menulis file biner.
- objek : file biner tempat kita menulis data.
Contoh :
# Reading data "mtcars" sebagai file csv dan hanya akan menyimpan kolom "cyl", "am", dan "gear"..
write.table(mtcars, file = "mtcars.csv",row.names = FALSE, na = "",
col.names = TRUE, sep = ",")
# Storing 5 records from the csv file as a new data frame.
new.mtcars <- read.table("mtcars.csv",sep = ",",header = TRUE,nrows = 5)
# Creating a connection object to write the binary file using mode "wb".
write.filename = file("/Users/R/binary.bin", "wb")
# Writing the column names of the data frame to the connection object.
writeBin(colnames(new.mtcars), write.filename)
# Writing the records in each of the column to the file.
writeBin(c(new.mtcars$cyl,new.mtcars$am,new.mtcars$gear), write.filename)
# Closing the file for writing so that other programs can read it.
2. Read File Binary
Format : readBin(con,what,n)
Keterangan :
- con : objek koneksi yang digunakan untuk membaca file biner.
- what : mode seperti karakter, integer, dll yang mewakili byte untuk dibaca.
- n : jumlah byte yang ingin dibaca dari file biner.
Contoh :
# Creating a connection object to read the file in binary mode using "rb".
read.filename <- file("/Users/R/binary.bin", "rb")
# Reading the column names. n = 3 as we have 3 columns.
column.names <- readBin(read.filename, character(), n = 3)
# Reading the column values. n = 18 as we have 3 column names and 15 values.
read.filename <- file("/Users//R/binary.bin", "rb")
bin_data <- readBin(read.filename, integer(), n = 18)
# Printing the data.
# Reading the values from 4th byte to 8th byte, which represents "cyl."
cyl_data = bin_data[4:8]
# Reading the values form 9th byte to 13th byte which represents "am".
am_data = bin_data[9:13]
# Reading the values form 9th byte to 13th byte which represents "gear".
gear_data = bin_data[14:18]
# Combining all the read values to a dat frame.
final_data = cbind(cyl_data, am_data, gear_data)
colnames(final_data) = column.names