Programmable Logic Controller, disingkat PLC merupakan peralatan elektronik yang dibangun dari mikroprosesor untuk memonitor keadaan dari peralatan input untuk kemudian di analisa sesuai dengan kebutuhan perencana (programmer) untuk mengontrol keadaan output. Sinyal input diberikan kedalam input card.
Ada 2 jenis input card, yaitu :
- Analog input card
- Digital input card
Contoh untuk mengakses PLC :
1. Connect to PLC
import PLCCom.*;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
public class NewClass {
//declare the Device
PLCcomDevice Device;
private void btnConnectActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
//Connecting Device
//create TCP_ISO_Device instance from PLCcomDevice
Device = new TCP_ISO_Device("", 0, 2, ePLCType.S7_300_400_compatibel);
//or create MPI_Device instance from PLCcomDevice
//Device = new MPI_Device("COM2", 0, 2, eBaudrate.b38400, eSpeed.Speed187k, ePLCType.S7_300_400_compatibel);
//or create PPI_Device instance from PLCcomDevice
//Device = new PPI_Device("COM2", 0, 2, eBaudrate.b9600, ePLCType.S7_200_compatibel);
authentication.User("");//Enter User here
authentication.Serial("");//Enter Serial here
ConnectResult res = Device.Connect();
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, res.Message(), "", JOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION);
2. Disconnect from PLC
untuk memutuskan koneksi ke PLC cukup dengan 1 baris perintah : Device.DisConnect();
3. Automatic connect to PLC
import PLCCom.*;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
public class NewClass {
//declare the Device
PLCcomDevice Device;
private void btnConnectActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
//Connecting Device
//create TCP_ISO_Device instance from PLCcomDevice
Device = new TCP_ISO_Device("", 0, 2, ePLCType.S7_300_400_compatibel);
//or create MPI_Device instance from PLCcomDevice
//Device = new MPI_Device("COM2", 0, 2, eBaudrate.b38400, eSpeed.Speed187k, ePLCType.S7_300_400_compatibel);
//or create PPI_Device instance from PLCcomDevice
//Device = new PPI_Device("COM2", 0, 2, eBaudrate.b9600, ePLCType.S7_200_compatibel);
//Enter User here
//Enter Serial here
// Set Auto Connect State
//The connection is opened automatically when it is needed.
//If after the expiry of the given period, no more requests are sent, the connection is automatically closed.
Device.setAutoConnect(true, 10000));
4. Simple reading data from PLC
import PLCCom.*;
public class main {
private void btnreadRawDataActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
//set the request parameters
//in this case => read 10 Bytes from DB1
ReadDataRequest myReadDataRequest = new ReadDataRequest(eRegion.DataBlock, //Region
1, //DB / only for datablock operations otherwise 0
0, //read start adress
eDataType.BYTE, //desired datatype
10); //Quantity of reading values
//read from device
System.out.println("begin Read...");
ReadDataResult res = Device.readData(myReadDataRequest);
//evaluate results
if (res.Quality() == OperationResult.eQuality.GOOD) {
int Position = 0;
for (Object item : res.getValues()) {
ystem.out.println("read Byte " + String.valueOf(Position) + " " + item.toString());
} else {
System.out.println("read not successfull! Message: " + res.Message());
Reference :